Some days the world makes me so sad.
How is it that our first response as a society to domestic violence is 'she's lying' or 'she egged him on'. Am I the only one who realizes how completely ridiculous these responses are? It goes hand in hand with victim blaming when a woman gets raped, 'she drank too much' or 'she was dressed inappropriately'. The fact that ANYONE feels the need to judge a victim is mind blowing to me, and the fact that this is our initial response, really? How dare people wonder why victims of domestic violence stay in the relationship, how dare people wonder why victims of sexual assault do not come forward, THIS IS WHY. Not only do they have to deal with the trauma of what happened to them, but they then have to deal with being called a liar among an array of other things. We should be teaching both women and men that the first response to anyone who has experienced a trauma should be one of love and comfort not hate and judgement.
On days like today I truly feel like the world is broken and I find it hard to see the good in our society.