Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Everyone always tells you to move on. To forget about whatever or whomever is hurting you. Don't talk about it, think about it, just forget about it.

But maybe everyone is wrong, maybe it is healthy to get your emotions out. It's not necessarily going to make me feel better telling you what an asshole you are, but it is for sure not going to make me feel worse.

Why is expressing your feelings always seen as a bad thing? For women especially we just get categorized as crazy. If crazy is not being afraid to say what you feel, sign me up. I've never been into this whole hide your feelings bullshit. I think if someone hurts you, you have a right to tell them. But, this only works if you're not looking for a response cause chances are you aren't going to get one. As long as you are okay with telling someone they're an asshole and not getting a response back, go for it.

If taking risks and sharing your emotions is crazy, normal must be awfully boring.

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