Monday, May 5, 2014


I over think everything.
No, literally everything.
There are constant thoughts floating through my head overwhelming me and I over analyze every bit of anything and everything that ever happens.
The things people say, do, things that happen to me, you name it, I analyze it.
Sometimes its hard for me to sleep because of all these thoughts going on in my head. I keep myself up all night analyzing the most unimportant minuscule thing.

I've tried to make sense of this craziness, but I've never had much luck. Then one day while watching Sex and the City, Ms Carrie Bradshaw says this:
"Well no because that would mean that anything he ever said that I interpreted as sincere is subject to interpretation and in that case what I perceive as his feelings for me may only really be reflected projections of my feelings for him."

Make sense? No it doesn't. Nothing we create in our head makes sense, and shockingly, not everything has a double meaning. It's funny how humans are so desperate to understand everything, that we put meaning to something that has none.

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